Saturday, August 29, 2009

Talk To Me

ok guys here is the deal...i have to be super quick on the internet onboard the ship because i only have 125 free internet minutes. BUT i have a semester at sea email, which is please please please e-mail me. plus I dont have many of your emails and i cant contact you to get them so e-mail me first and i will reply and then have your email for the rest of my voyage. It's beautiful, I love it and I miss you all. I will update with pics and stories when I hit a port. LOVE you all...please e-mail i miss hearing from you guys!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Hidden Gem

So Halifax is beautiful. I called my mother this morning as I was walking along the pier by the ocean. The weather was 70 and brilliantly sunny all day. It was magnificent. If ever anyone gets the chance come visit this town, it is truly a hidden gem that in twenty four hours brought restoration to my soul!

It was my first real day of a new country and I could bore you with the details, but I won't. All I will say is Bobbi Lee and I conquered the public transportation system, spent 3 exhausting hours in a Wal-Mart, ate incredible sushi and oh yea (molls & chels this is for you) officially tried my first Strongbow, which I quite enjoyed! All in all a beautiful day with the peace of the Lord abounding, how faithful He has been so far, I am in awe. I love you all and wish you could be here to bask in this beautiful place. I will leave with some picture though...

P.S. the pics are of where we ate lunch, dinner and hopscotch that was carved in the concrete. Oh and the skyline view from the pier.
P.P.S please make fun of us we are practically honeymooners posing by ourselves and taking pics of each other!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Oh Canada...

So I'm sitting in Nova Scotia with my darling roommate and so far so good. Other than the fact that I looked like a fool hauling my suitcases which let me tell you total a whopping 115 lbs. AWFUL. I have blisters on my fingers. So there's the daily update on travel.

Now there is something I wanted to say and it's coming from me so take it seriously and not as a joke because I'm trying to be serious! I will miss everyone and I mean everyone. It meant so much to me that so many people wanted to say good-bye and made an effort to see me or talk to me. My own mother cried! It was so sweet. Anyways, I love you all and keep reading because it makes me feel connected to the world. When I get my e-mail for the ship I will post it here and on my facebook...ok? ok LOVE LOVE LOVE


Sunday, August 16, 2009


Saying good-bye has already proven to be a task more difficult than I imagined and pathetically enough I have only really said it to two people. I think it has seemed so difficult because I, nor anyone else really, know what communication will look like the next four months. So, to help out everyone I am posting a link to the addresses of the ports, the directions for addressing letters, and the suggested date to send them so that they arrive on time and I can get mail. Now, this is a suggestion to send me mail. I understand if you are unable to, but lets be honest many of you will have a hard time without talking to me so this is for you all as much-if not more-than it is for myself...